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The WinSpeakerz Workbench Скачать


WinSpeakerz — это программа моделирования громкоговорителей для Windows XP/Vista/Windows 7/8. 

WinSpeakerz is our loudspeaker simulation program for Windows XP/Vista/Windows 7/8. This popular speaker simulator lets you propose various speaker systems and then evaluate them in software before you cut wood or order expensive transducer components. A typical design session might go like this: you select a woofer for your home theater project from the driver database and load it to the 'workbench'.

Next, you select the type of enclosure you want to simulate. You have a choice of closed, vented or bandpass boxes with a total of 18 different variations. For your home theater project you decide on a vented box. Now enter different volumes and tunings and run the analysis to see 'what if'. Once you've decided on the box you can open the box calculator and have WinSpeakerz suggest the dimensions.



21 Oct 2019
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21 Oct 2019
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